Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Good Dinosaur: Eh.

I just saw the good Dinosaur, and my thoughts on it are as followed. Oh, Wait what?, hmmm, Eh. I definitely didn't hate it, but I'm not gonna praise it the same way I praise movies like Frozen or Inside Out. But before I discuss what's wrong with it, let's look at what's good in this movie.

What I really liked about this movie, like most Disney movies, is the art stuff. The way those landscapes are rendered is just amazing, those Dinosaurs, on the other hands, are a different bag of beans, but we'll get to that in a little bit. The relationship between Arlo, The Good Dinosaur, and Spot, the human pet, is okay, I guess. It's done well, but nothing really stands out about it. I also give points to this movie for giving the Velociraptors the feathers they long deserved. Take that, Jurassic World!!

But now to the parts that I didn't like so much. The designs of the Dinosaurs are kinda lame. They're not very good to look at, and they look like gummy dinosaur candy. If the Dinosaurs were more appealing to look at, then maybe I would've liked this movie even better. My other not very favorite thing about it is that for a movie about Dinosaurs, there's not much Dinosaur in it. Yeah, the main characters are mostly Dinosaurs, but only five species of Dinosaurs are present, and the four that show up are like the most generic types of dinosaurs that are used by everyone. I'd have liked to see more Dino diversity in this movie. If Jurassic World did one thing right, it's the cast of Dinos that show up. You got Pachycephalosaurus, Mosasaurus, Baryonix, Dimorphodon and Ankylosaurus. Those are some cool, fresh Dinos that deserve more screen time. And another thing that's not that great about this movie is that it's not particularly about Dinosaurs. You could literally replace the characters with any other animals and the story would still be the same.

My final problem with the movie is the lack of originality. While I was watching the movie, I couldn't stop thinking about Land Before Time. The part in the beginning where the baby dinosaur's legs hatches out of the egg and runs around is literally a recreation of Cera's hatching, and Arlo's dad's death is nowhere as good as Littlefoot's Mother's demise. It doesn't even compare. This movie is literally a scotchtaped rehash of Land Before Time, Ice Age and Finding Nemo. And why did Arlo's dad have to die? It feels completely pointless. Why are you so obsessed with parenticide, Disney?! One of the reasons I love Tangled is because Rapunzel is one of the few Disney characters who still has both parents. But if a certain favorite Dinosaur had appeared in the movie, then I might've actually liked the film. Not gonna name names, but If you've read anything Dinosaur related I've written, then you'd know....

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