Sunday, May 1, 2016

Please let RINGS be good!

So, one of my most anticipated movies of 2016 is Rings, the third installment in The Ring franchise. I'm really excited, but I hope I don't get excited over nothing. I mean, it's RARE to have a horror movie in a franchise be as good or better than the original. The Ring Two had an  bigger budget than the first movie, but was really, really sucky, because it forgot the creepy atmosphere and mood of the original The Ring (That, and it also had really crappy special effects.) But for goodness sake, I hope Rings will be the rare exception where a horror installment doesn't suck.

There isn't a trailer from the movie yet, but it's slated to premiere in theaters during Halloween time. But even though I haven't seen a trailer for it yet, I'm already hearing a lot of info from the movie, both good AND bad, which really concerns me. The movie is being directed by F. Javier Guitirrez, a pretty unknown director. This can either be good, or bad, but only time can tell what happens. Another thing that worries me is the plot of the movie. 

Julia is a high school student whose college boyfriend, Holt, has grown distant. Fearing they’re drifting apart, she travels to see him and finds out that he’s part of a club of college students who pass Samara's tape between each other. Julia discovers Holt watched the cursed tape six and a half days ago, meaning that by the end of the day, he would die. The curse is what brought them back together, but it’s also what threatens to kill them

Wow. What a weak story. It's obvious they're aiming for that teenaged crap that horror movies went for with Ouija and The Gallows, so here's my advice. DON'T FOLLOW THOSE MOVIES! Both those movies SUCKED. Sure, they made lots of money, but wouldn't it be better for a movie to make money AND be good? I mean, don't get me wrong. Movies centering around young people aren't always bad. Just as long as they don't feel forced in. Unfriended, for example, is a horror movie starring teens, and it's really good. I thought it was gonna be as bad as Ouija, but took me by surprise. And let's not forget that classic horror franchises like Scream and Halloween all have teenaged main characters. 

The final demand I have for Rings is simply this. Be Scary. People go to horror movies to be scared, and if you don't scare the audience, then what does that make you? But most modern horror movies have the same problem. They're not really that scary. They're full of cheap jump scares and play the "false alarm" card A LOT. 

But while I had some problems with this, there's also a lot that intrigues me. the trailer for the movie premiered at Wondercon. I haven't seen it myself, but from the description of it, it sounds really creepy, and something very refreshing fro The Ring franchise. From the descriptions I've read, the trailer is about a guy in an airplane who is sitting next to a girl. He tells her the usual. He watched the curse video tape a week ago, and is scheduled to die, so he boarded an airplane in hopes of escaping his fate. Suddenly, he starts bleeding from his nose. The plane loses signal, dark water starts seeping through the doors and windows of the plane. Oxygen masks start dropping down on the panicking passengers. The boy tries to flee, but then the iconic video tape starts playing on all of the TV screens on the plane. Suddenly, the big screen where the airplane safety video usually plays starts playing a video of a desolate well in a forest. You know where this is leading too. Samara emerges out of the well, and comes out of the TV, then the teaser ends. That sounds AWESOME! from the sound of this, Samara will have greater power than she's had before, if she can take out an entire airplane full of people. Another thing that I liked is that if Rings is successful, it will become the next Halloween franchise movie, joining the likes of Saw, Insidious and Paranormal Activity. I just want this movie to be good SO bad! I frickin' love The Ring. It's not only one of my favorite horror movies, it's one of my favorite MOVIES period! I see it in the way most nerds see Back To The Future or Star Wars. So please, F. Javier Gutierrez, Don't fail me! I've been waiting for this movie for a long time, and I already know what it's like to be disappointed by a movie I've been waiting for years to see (Jurassic World

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