Wednesday, August 24, 2016

the 1st trailer for "Rings" is really bad.

Remember back when I practically begged for this movie to be good? What happened to our deal, Paramount? The first trailer for Rings is not very good, and here's why. Before we get started, let me just say that I fucking love The Ring. It's one of my favorite movies of all time. It used to scare me as a kid and continues to intrigue me as an adult. Now let us begin. First of all, the original tone of the movie is completely gone. You remember how in The Ring, where the color of the movie had this blueish tint that really helped make the atmosphere really dreary and depressing? 

Image result for the ring rachel

Well, for Rings, it's now gone! Another thing I liked about the original is that it's not just a flick full of jump scares like most horror movies. It built up to it's scares, so that way, it's more suspenseful as you keep watching. But for Rings, I guess they're just going for the basic horror scare cliches. So far, I'm not loving what I'm seeing, It's leaning towards more of the generic "Teens get themselves into deep shit" horror movies, like Ouija and The Gallows, which I pray to god isn't how the actual movie turns out. If Rings needs to follow another movie's example, it should follow Lights Out, a fresh, original and scary movie that is very reminiscent of the original movie. But who knows what the actual movie holds. Maybe the trailer just doesn't do it justice and the full movie is actually very good. I've seen good movies get fucked over by awful trailers before. And to be fair, there are some good things about the trailer. Like the scene where Samara attacks an entire airplane full of people just to get the one passenger who watched her tape. And the scene where that goth girl tries to break her TV so that Samara can't get her. But only time will tell if it's really worth it.

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