Saturday, May 23, 2015

Tomorrowland Inspires!!!

There are two Wolves that are always fighting. One is darkness and despair, the other is light and hope. Which wolf wins? The one you feed, of course. And after seeing Tomorrowland, I'll make sure to feed the right wolf always! This movie is so good and so inspirational. So, what's the story? A teenage girl finds a pin  that shows her a vision of Tomorrowland, a place where the greatest minds came together and made the world a better place. Unfortunately this said place exists in a different place and time. She get's help from an AI in the form of a child and a shut in inventor to get to Tomorrowland, but when they get there, things not might be as perfect as it seemed, and it's up to her to make things right, and fix the future.

It's good to see a film based on a Disney ride other than Pirates of the Caribbean succeed, because I saw the Haunted Mansion, and it did not please anyone. But unlike the haunted mansion, which relied on cheap gimmicks and a Celebrity main character, this actually taps into what Walt Disney himself envisioned when he created Tomorrowland. Now, before you try to correct me, I know George Clooney is a main character in this movie, but there's a difference between his performance here, and Eddy Murphy's performance in the Haunted Mansion. George Clooney was playing an actual character. Eddy Murphy was basically playing himself. And George Clooney isn't the central character in this movie, It's the teenage girl, who is AWESOME!!! What I like about her is that she captures that hope that humanity has left. I could go on and on and on about why I like this movie, but no. I want you to go see it for yourself. If you like it, great. If not, more power to you. But whatever you feel about it, it will give you some thought on how you can make the future a better place.

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